The WHY?

Every day in the United States, nearly 75 children are diagnosed with a life-threatening medical condition.  And every day, the brothers and sisters of these children are thrust into a world of experiences that will leave a lasting mark on their lives forever.  This mark may be a positive influence to negotiate life moving forward or it may be a painful “scar” from which to heal.  At present, many excellent social service, medical and private organizations exist to provide support for people touched by pediatric illness.  These services are intended to be within the model of “family-centered care,” however, they primarily focus care solely on the child impacted and his or her parents.  Siblings are supported, if at all, as more of an “add on” in the family struggle to survive the pediatric medical journey. As a result, siblings are often left with insufficient support from which to understand that they’re not alone, they’re not at fault and that their feelings are valid. 

A pediatric diagnosis affects EVERYONE in the family. Siblings need to know that they are special and important people, too, and that there is an organization working to ensure that their unique needs are understood and that support interventions can be established.

Dedicated efforts in the areas of Advocacy, Research, and Care will enable a comprehensive approach to sibling awareness and support that will both meet an immediate need for siblings now and will position the next generation of researchers and care providers to continue work with this underserved population.